Pentana EDGE
The support you need to easily onboard your employees
Convenient online training
Consistent training standards
Self-paced learning
Wide choice of topics
Knowledge tests
Face-to-face training option
Staff onboarding made easy

Comprehensive training in one place
Pentana EDGE modules are tailored for specific dealership job roles. Training is easy to select and designed to provide known and measurable learning outcomes.
Online learning removes the need for one team member to train another. This means staff productivity is kept at maximum.
Online courses can be completed at home or in a quiet moment during the work day. They can also be repeated at any time to reinforce learning.
One-stop DMS training
Pentana EDGE provides convenient and wide-ranging online training so Dealerships can maximise the value of their DMS. Staff can learn at their own pace, while managers can be confident all staff are trained to consistently high standards.

Convenient online training
No need to have another team member conduct training. Skills can be learnt online as needed.

Consistent standards
A structured learning program ensures all employees are trained to the same high standards.

Self-paced learning
Course repetitions are unlimited. Learning can be completed at the user’s own pace, anytime and anywhere.

Wide choice of topics
There are currently 40+ certificates to choose from, suitable for Financial Managers to Workshop Controllers and many more.

Knowledge tests
Trainees must pass a quiz before completing a course to ensure knowledge has been retained.

Face-to-face training option
When online learning is not suitable, one-on-one training is available.

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