Aust & NZ

The Ultimate Virtual Parts Warehouse

Parex Locator connects the global parts marketplace to make finding, buying and shipping genuine parts easier. OEMs can offload excess or obsolete stock, while dealers can quickly find parts at a discounted rate to continue offering their customers genuine parts as a point of difference, and at a competitive price versus aftermarket service centres.

There are certain parts in your warehouse that you will always need in stock… and others, never again. The “do not need” pile of parts don’t have to sit heavy on your shelf or heavy on your cash flow. In fact these days, there is ample money to be made in obsolete parts among dealers.

Online parts locators have become the modern day platform for dealers to “turn scrap into cash.” Even better, an online parts locator is available 24/7, meaning you can find and sell parts as soon as you need to. And with technology today, you can search or list stock information to prospects across the entire globe.

Pentana Solutions offers just that with Parex Locator, an online parts locator, connecting dealers in over 50 countries. Parex Locator is a dealer to dealer platform that simultaneously links and compiles stock information of participating dealers around the world. The best part is - Parex Locator is linked to your Dealer Management System (DMS) for a regular upload of your stock data - saving you the hard work. Whether you’re on the buying or the selling end of the spectrum – the Parex Locator works for you. Either make it easy for other dealers to find your unwanted stock - or find bargains and urgently needed parts from dealers in the juxtaposed position. Instead of wondering if your neighbour across town has the part you need - ask over 64 million new contacts with Parex Locator. Because with over 64 million parts sold on Pare Locator, your network just got a lot bigger.

How does it work?

The online parts offered are split into three different categories: old, obsolete and current. Old parts are sold with a 50% discount on current net dealer prices. Obsolete parts are sold with a 25% discount on current net dealer prices. While current parts are sold regularly in accordance with existing trading conditions. It’s up to you how each part is labelled - giving you full control over which and under what conditions the parts are sold. Then, tap into the wide global network that Parex Locator harbors - comprising over 5,500 automotive dealers including Audi, Fiat, Mazda, Volkswagen, Ford, Land Rover, Jaguar, Toyota etc. - and join the parts revolution.

It has been proven in Parex Locators’s experience that it can be quicker and cheaper to source a part from an obscure warehouse in a country across the world, than wait for a part to be back ordered. Without even requiring trading agreements among dealerships, you’re able to source the part you need immediately from anywhere.

It’s simple really. Review an analysis of your stock, gain real time access to dealership statistics, automatically upload stock files daily and end by easily collecting payments through PayPal. Let Parex Locator do the hard work for you, so you can capitalise on your entire parts department today.


Find out how to get this software implemented into your business.